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Weeds in the Way: Pride
Pride always prevents us from seeing, knowing, and hearing our true selves (and others) because sometimes we don’t like what’s behind the...
final fi· nal
adjective not to be altered or undone coming at the end : being the last in a series, process, or progress : of or relating to the...
Why Do We Need to See, Know, and Hear?
There are many things that happen as we practice allowing ourselves to be seen, known, and heard; it’s truly transformative in so many ways.
order or· der
to put in order : ARRANGE to bring about order : REGULATE the arrangement or sequence of objects or of events in time Order needs space...
retribution ret· ri· bu· tion
noun RECOMPENSE , REWARD What we put into things, we yield. Retribution can look like consequences or it can look like rewards....
defined /dəˈfīnd/
adjective having a definite outline or specification; precisely marked or stated. "defined boundaries" Outlining requires us to think...
Hearing Withholds Judgment
One of the biggest inhibitors to loving our neighbor as ourselves is our propensity to judge others for who they are or what they believe...
holy /hō′lē/
adjective Belonging to, derived from, or associated with a divine power; sacred. A belonging to can be a committing of ourselves in terms...
for·ward /ˈfôrwərd/
adjective toward the direction that is in front of you toward the future after that point step forward going forward In definitive...
verb re·dact ri-ˈdakt to put in writing : FRAME to select or adapt (as by obscuring or removing sensitive information) for...
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